Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2 - some things I've learned while in France

First, let me apologize for the long delay between posts. All I can say is that it has been a week. I decided a while ago that my current apartment, while nice and spacious, simply wasn't cutting the mustard. It was just way too far away and seriously imparing my connection to the city and my friends (buses in Orléans stop running at 8:30). So for the past week or so I've been engaged in a fun little game called "Find an apartment in a foreign country". Turns out, the game isn't as fun as I'd hoped. I found an amazing place, filled out all the forms and then waited for over a week while the agency gave me conflicting answers (there were a few days where I was told yes in the morning, and then in the afternoon told probably not). Finally, after a few tears (or a lot) I decided to abandon my dreams of floor to ceiling windows and start looking again. 7 phone calls later I had an appointment. And, to make a long story short - I've found a place! I haven't signed the lease yet, but I have paid my deposit and have an appointment tomorrow morning to finalize all the paperwork! I'm trying to not get too excited - I've learned my lesson about that - but I think I'm golden.

So, in light of my past week, I thought I would write a few things that I've learned about France and life in general.

1st: don't put all your eggs in one basket (as in, even if someone says yes, don't stop looking for new places)
2nd: don't count your chickens before they hatch (as in, a yes is not a yes until the keys are in your hand)
3rd: you may win more flies with honey than with shit, but in France you're better off giving them shit (as in, don't be so nice all the damn time and learn how to assert yourself)
4th: be patient, but persistent (waiting around is nice and all, but you're aren't going to get anywhere unless you bother the hell out of people)
5th: being foreign is fun until someone calls you a foreigner (seriously, it's a bit painful - we're people too!)
6th: having an amazing group of friends is all you need in life (Caitlin, here's looking at you for helping me SO much, Seamus for the long distance support and all you amazing assistants for listening and offering kind words - I am the luckiest person!)
7th: phone calls home at 2 am are always welcome (especially when you have amazing parents!)
8th: When life hand you lemons, it's best to turn them into lemonade (lemonade tastes way sweeter when you've been stuck with lemons for a while)

And that's all for now! Everyone keep your fingers crossed that the lease signing goes well, if it does I'm off to Paris for the day on Wednesday and then back to work Thursday. Ah, France.

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