Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Friday!

And I have a nice new picture on my blog. As much as I loved the old picture - and I did - this picture is actually of Orléans! It's a view of the Cathedral from across the river - which is a view I get to see everyday when I take the bus home from school!

Speaking of school ...It always feels like a major accomplishment when I finish a week of teaching and still have all my limbs and my sanity. I may be tired as hell, and super ready for the weekend - but it feels so good to know that I managed to teach 12 classes - all at different levels with different lessons without anything tragic happening. This weekend I'm planning on camping out in front of my computer and writing my essays for graduate school - we'll see if this actually happens. I've noticed a phenomenon lately - every day I make a list (sometimes written, usually in my head) of things that I want to accomplish during the day. The list usually has 4-7 items. I usually accomplish 1. I'm not sure if it's because things take so long to do here in France, or if this is just the plight of the 'real world'. For example, yesterday I wanted to:
switch the electricity bill into my name
get internet set up
officially change my address with the post office
go to Casa and buy some things for my apartment
send e-mails to the people I want to write my letters of recommendation
So my day looked like this: teach from 8:15 to 1:15 with a 2 hour break in the middle (usually it's only 1 hour, but one of my classes was cancelled), go home and eat lunch, run errands, meet a friend for coffee at 4, meet another friend at 6:30 for shopping and then make diner and go to bed. Who wants to guess how many things I actually got done off my originial list? If you guessed 2 then you're 'right on the money'. Yesterday I sent e-mails and bought things for my apartment.
Today my list looks like this:
print more RIBs from my bank and order checks
change my address with the post office
plan a thanksgiving lesson for next week
switch the electricity bill into my name
go to Conforama (again) and buy the metal frame for my bed
get internet set up
get a new cell phone plan

How many will I actually get done? Probably 3 - if I stop procrastinating and get moving...

Also, I just re-read this post and couldn't believe how teacher-y I sound. I actually used the phrase, for example. And wrote things in a list and put coloquial phrases in quote marks to differentiate. I'm surprised I didn't add in a 'do you understand?' My goodness, what is happening to me?

1 comment:

  1. First off, that picture is amazing!

    Also, I totally get what you mean about feeling accomplished just for having finished a week. I think this was my first week where I've actually enjoyed my classes more than I dreaded them, so that was a step in the right direction! It's fun to start to get the hang of things. haha
