For those of you who don't know or remember this is how the game goes:
M(ansion) A(partment) S(hack) H(ouse)
_ _ _ _ <-------- put numbers here
Spouse <------ write people you would like to marry here (famous or otherwise)
City <------------ places you want to live go here
Job <----------------- jobs you want to have go here
Car <------------------ cars you want to drive here
Salary <----------------- the amount of money you want to make
Wedding Dress/Tuxedo <------------- write colors here
Except I play my version a bit meanly. See, I let each person fill out two blanks in each heading, then I make them trade their papers with someone else and I encourage them to write terrible things. Like garbage collector and a salary of $1 with a bright pink wedding dress. Etc. And then, once it's all filled in one person makes tally marks until the other says stop. Then using that number you count the topics, starting with the M., once you reach your number, you cross off that item. And you keep counting until you have only 1 thing left in each category. And that's your future! I've had kids marrying George W. Bush employeed as cleaning ladies, making 1,000,000 a year while driving roller blades and living in apartments. And kids marrying Julia Roberts, having 70 children, living in a shack, working as designers making $1 and driving a Porshe. It's pretty awesome.
The best thing is, it's one of those lessons where they can't wait to read me their stories and tell about their "future" - which of course means a quick review of using "will" with verbs. Pretty awesome. But today had to be the best -students stayed after to finish their sheets and then in the hallway were explaining it to their friends and saying how much fun it was! Makes you feel pretty good about yourself. And to think - they were practicing using the future tense, saying numbers, learning about different jobs all while having a great time. M.A.S.H. is awesome!
(also, I keep getting new futures every class. Today I married Johnny Depp, had 12 kids, made 1,000,000 a year, drove a Tank, lived in a mansion, wore a red wedding dress and lived in Hawaii where I worked part time as a writer. Best future ever! except for the 12 kids part)
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