Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Written on Sunday - Spring?

Last week, on the bus home from school I saw something truly amazing.  Something that actually made me do a very small version of a happy dance in my seat.  FLOWERS!!!!!  Tulips, to be exact.  Lots of them - in every color - growing all akimbo on a grassy spot outside the little park near my school.  Oh, flowers, how good it is to see you.

But, despite the appearance of the tulips it has remained either gray or sunny & windy - but consistently chilly (cold even).  I had to abandon my spring scarf - the very pretty light blue H&M purchase - and go back to the red fleece one with cat paw prints on it (which is equally cute and very warm).  In a side tangent - I’ve never warn so many scarves in my life!  I wore the handmade purple one all through fall, the red fleece one all through winter, and now (hopefully) the light blue one.  Except - I own several more.  And I wear them, but it seems like I always grab the exact same one when heading out the door (probably because I’m usually running and just grab whatever’s on top).  However - there has been some more good news on the weather front.  First of all, I saw a tree with little buds on it, second, there are birds that sing every morning and third, the weather report says it’ll be 14 C on Wednesday!  Holy spring, batman!

In other exciting news I got a really fantastic Easter box from my parents - which had all the cute papery easter basket stuff (no cellophane - cats like to eat it and it really doesn’t agree with them).  And lots of Americana candy.  And a really adorable new spring scarf!  Which I can, hopefully, wear as soon as Wednesday!  I also got more black beans and green chilies, as well as the Sunday comics and a Vogue.  Woohoo!  

Razu says, "Thanks for the box!"

Also, I’ve made a decision about what to do with my next year(s).  I’ll be going to Michigan State University to study anthropology under a really awesome professor!  Pretty exciting!  She’s involved in some really amazing projects concerning the role agricultural activities can play in bring together community members as well as creating a sense of place based identity.  Which is exactly what I want to study.  The only downside?  It’s cold in Michigan.  Although my Dad informed me that it’s been warmer there this past week than it was here - so maybe not so bad.  But, I just have to note, that even though my Dad is a very passionate alumni of MSU (at least during football and basketball season) I will always be a Sundevil - no matter how cool the Spartan guy is, Sparky is infinitely cooler. 3-----  (<-- that’s a pitchfork)

And, in more exciting news, Seamus and I booked a vacation for May, first we’re going to Ireland for a handful of days and then to Nice!  The only pseudo downside of this is that we just realized that we’re going to be there for the Cannes film festival - which is a double edged sword: yay celebrities and such, boo sky high prices and low hotel availability.  Seriously though, as long as we find a place to stay - how awesome is that?!?!  Maybe I’ll meet someone famous!  Maybe it’ll be Johnny Depp!!!!  THAT, would be amazing!

And finally, I’ve started reading Roald Dahl books in French.  It’s absolutely perfect for me - I know the stories, I can read a handful of pages at a time without having to consult a dictionary and I’m learning French words for marshmallows, gumdrops, factory workers and Oompa-,.//Loompas (which is the exact same).  So far, I’m halfway through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, or Charlie et la Chocolaterie and it’s awesome.  The only weird thing is that the book says that all the Oompa-Loompas speak English, even though every one else speaks French (they seem to understand all of Mr. Wonka’s instructions just fine though...) and that the Oompa-Loompas were pygmy Africans who lived in trees and were unable to feed themselves and were therefore “rescued” by Mr. Wonka and forced to work in his factory for chocolate (who knew that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was so racist and promoted such awful things?).

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